Invoked the planetary Serior of Venus of the Fire Tablet, AAPDOCE. She appeared with greenish feathery leaves instead of hair, with bright gemlike eyes and no mouth. She was clothed in the leaf/feathers from her extremities to her torso, which was bare and featureless. When she spoke a ruby red mouth appeared, and the eyes disappeared. This was disconcerting, surreal. I'm not sure what this may or may not mean. She did not have a fierce avian aspect as did the Mars senior, but bore a more human and feminine shape, cloaked in mystery. Her body language was inviting; she felt as if she where always on the verge of embracing me.She was very vibrant and clear in my vision. I greeted her and asked of her name, and she gave it to me. I asked what her nature was, and she said she was the active process of growth and growing, and was especially connected to the natural world-the process and energy of growth that burns in each thing. She was somehow connected with love-passionate love-both macrocosmically and interpersonally. I had a lapse in concentration, and lost the vision's focus for a moment. I vibrated her name again, and she returned-after which I thanked her for sharing her wisdom and gave her licence to depart. All in all, it went quite well. One thing I am noticing with Enochian is that connection and communication with the Angels is possible regardless of planetary day or elemental tide, but the quality of communication is better when proper timing is taken into account.
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