He appeared immediately in the orb. His head was that of a Raven, and he was covered in a thick layer of black feathers, although his shape was that of a man. He wore a breastplate of dark pitted metal (Lead?), and stood unblinking. His gaze was indifferent-neither fierce nor pleasant. I greeted him, and asked for his name. I connected with him, and heard his "voice". I asked him of his nature, and he told me he was of Death and Change, the beginning of Endings. I asked him how his power was manifest macrocosmically, and he said in Entropy, in the fires of decay. I asked him how his power was manifest microcosmically, and he basically implied they manifested the same within as without, burning away dross and reducing things from complication to simplicity. He was almost the opposite of the Venusian Senior of Fire-although they both are intimately connected with Energy, the fire of life. One is the growth and increase cycle, the other is the burning down and decrease. Very in...