Ave, Having done some venturing and practical work outside of our tradition, I've become very aware of how intensely hybridized it is. This isn't necessarily a bad thing...but as my sensitivity to the differing currents and energies involved in modern Golden Dawn magic increases, I notice more and more the spots that seem "grafted" together, for lack of a better term. I can see the welds clearly. The Qabalistic system is basically the accumulated Correspondences (including the Tree of Life) in combination with the Rituals of the Hexagram, Pentagram, and the Neophyte Initiation Ritual as developed in the Z2-the height of the Qabalistic system-and the assumption of Egyptian godforms. Qabalistic magic works practically through Telesmata, and almost exclusively through elementary entities (be they Elemental, Planetary, or Zodiacal.) We invoke the hierarchy, but mostly to place our selves within that hierarchy above the elementaries, so that we can command them. When ...