Ave, On a recent Spagyric experiment, I received an interesting result. While calcining the Salts, the body changed from Black, to grey, to light grey...to Orange! I've never had the salts take on that color before. I don't know if this is common, and somehting that happens to others all the time-but it was new to me. It was especially interesting becasue I didn't spend more time performing the calcination than i usually do, and used the same heat source (a torch, burning at a somewhat steady 2300 degrees) to arrive at a different result. Perhaps this is a stage that I was unaware of. Definitely worth noting down. I've also had something of a breakthrough in my understanding of Alchemy...and have to say that Spagery was behind that increase in understanding. It was not the sort of thing that is communicable in words-a small matter of Gnosis instead of knowledge. Nothing earth shattering, but a connection that gave me another step to climb in my pursuit of understanding....