Ave Fraters et Sorors, I sat down after vibrating all of the incantations, and then making my formal invitation to and Invocation of NANTA. Saw a plain, with a dark, starry sky. The quality of the light was that of just before complete sunset-there was a thin ribbon of light wrapping the peaks of blue-purple mountains in the distance. The sky itself began as orange-purple at the mountain peaks, and darkened almost immediately to a deep black from which stars shone. NANTA stood before me, and there was no mistaking her/it. It was huge, so large that I couldn't quite perceive it-I would focus on it and see parts of it, but it seemed the actual shapes of the Angel were beyond me. It was a huge, towering thing. It was as if I were a 2 dimensional entity trying to perceive something that was 3 dimensional. NANTA spoke to me, and it's voice was solid and very cold. I asked it what it's nature was, and it said simply "form." I was expecting it to say that I couldn...