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The Magical Tools (BOC)

 Physical Tools
The tools required for performing the rituals within this system are as follows:
  1. A Dagger, which will be consecrated for Banishing
  2. One Black Robe or Black Suit

  3. Candles corresponding to each Planet's color

  4. Incense corresponding to each Planet

  5. One Censer (used primarily for consecration)

  6. One Bowl of Incantations (used primarily for scrying and blessing water)

  7. Wax for creating gamahe, clay for creating Telesmata

  8. Book of Squares for creating Planetary gamahes

  9. One Wand    

Creating the Tools

The Dagger

The Banishing Dagger should be bought or made on a Saturday, during the hour of Mars. In order to consecrate it, purify it with Blessed water, and consecrate it by fumigation with the Saturnian Incense. Paint the dagger (blade and all) a deep purple, and draw on one side of the blade the Kamea of Saturn in black. On the Other side, draw the sigils for the Hierarchy of Saturn, with the Holy name being closest to the handle, and the Spirit closest to the tip. Perform the Invocation of the Forces of the Square, using the Square on the dagger as the material basis. During the Statement of Intent, declare the purpose of the dagger as an instrument for banishing Planetary and Elemental forces.

The Planet Saturn holds a special place in the Hierarchy of the Planets-it rules over death and endings, and as such is, in my opinion, the correct force to use to banish Planetary and Elemental forces. Saturn rules over the Earth and the Material plane-on the Tree of Life it is reflected from Binah into the 32nd Path, directly above Malkuth, from which it exerts a profound influence. By acting through the Triplicities, a dagger consecrated to Saturn may even be used to banish Astrological forces.

All of the Spiritual forces that co-mingle and descend upon the Earth pass through the 32nd Path, and therefore pass under the Presidency of Saturn, the gatekeeper. It is therefore, in my opinion, the appropriate force to consecrate a banishing dagger of any sort with.

The Robe

The Robe of Art is to be Black, hooded, and comfortable. In substitution for the robe, a well made black suit may be worn, with black tie. This suit should be dedicated to spiritual work, and worn for nothing else. (This is especially useful when one is forced to work outdoors. Wearing a black suit attracts far less attention than a black robe.) The suit may, of course, be substituted for a dress and shawl for female thamauturgists.

The Candles

Preferably made of beeswax, the Thaumaturgist will need a candle in the appropriate color for each of the Planetary and Elementary forces.

The Incense

The incense is important in that it helps to impregnate the Temple with an atmosphere that is suitable for the force invoked. The sense of smell is especially evocative, and assists us in entering the right state of mind for our ritual work.

The Incense correspondences are as follows:

Saturn: Frankincense

Sun: Olibanum, cinnamon

Luna: Jasmine

Mars: Tobacco

Mercury: Sandalwood

Jupiter: Cedar

Venus: Rose

Earth: Storax

Water: Myrrh

Air: Galbanum

Fire: Olibanum

The Censer

The censer should be of the sort that has a chain, and of silver or gold in color. Paint upon it a hexagram, in gold upon a white background.

The Blessed Bowl of Incantation

This is the bowl we use to create and contain Holy Water, and to obtain visions of the Planes and Spirits. The bowl should be created of clay. The outside and the inside of the bowl should be painted Black, to represent Matter. Inside the bowl, beginning at the top and winding as a vortex around the sides and ending in the bottom, the Holy Names of God for each Planet should be inscribed in Hebrew, painted in White. The names should progress as does the week-Sol, Luna, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn. At the bottom of this vortex of Holy Names, in the center of the bottom of the bowl, write the Name Yod He Shin Vau He in hebrew. These names should be written in white upon the black background, signifying the descent of Holy Spirit, and the Planetary Energies, into matter. The bowl should be glazed and fired, so that it maintains it's integrity after being exposed to moisture. The bowl should be made on a Sunday, during the hour of the Sun.

To use the bowl, fill it with water. Vibrate, in turn, the holy names in the bowl, ending with Yod He Shin Vau He. State, " In these Holy names of God, I declare this water blessed and holy." This water is now Holy, and should be treated as such. It is useful in cleansing, scrying, and divinations. Use purified or distilled water-if this is not available, rainwater is the next best option.

Beeswax/ Clay for creating Telesmata

The beeswax or clay itself, before being used to create a talisman or gamahe should be fumigated with incense for consecration, and sprinkled thrice with Holy water for purification. During this process, turn your mind towards God. Perform an adoration, prostrating yourself before the Source of All, before any and every purification and consecration.

Metals may be used to create Telesmata if money is available in abundance, as they are extremely good at holding the force of the Planet they are associated with; that being said, the wax or clay make excellent material bases and are more than enough for most things. They can hold a charge for months, which is plenty enough time to accomplish the majority of tasks. Paper doesn't hold a charge for as long-one lunar month at most-but can be treated with a Spagyric elixir to extend it's length of use. This elixir must be created from a plant that corresponds to the Planet being worked with. Paper treated in this fashion will hold a force as well as a metal.


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