Ave, I've been experiencing effects almost immediately from my first GIRP Fire done to balance the Element within my sphere-there is a call to action, an urge to do, an engine running underneath it all. I wonder if the effect is showing up quicker because I have become more deft at working with the Elements over the course of my career in the Golden Dawn, or if I am merely more aware and sensitive to these things? Either is good. The salamanders do seem to be very forward, in an interesting way-they seem to want to jump the gun, and do things before I am quite finished with my preparations. When I Invoke Fire I perceive them showing up near the beginning of the ritual.....and sense them milling about impatiently, waiting for me to get on with it as I draw more pentagrams and make brief but grandiose speeches...ha. If I were a Tarot card, I would be the Knight of Pentacles-I'm a deliberate kind of fellow. My chart is chock full of Earth signs with planets in them; I am not inc...